Friday, September 19, 2008

South African Pecan Producers Association

The South African Pecan Producers Association (SAPPA) is a voluntary membership organisation which serves everyone that shows interest in the growing, use and marketing of pecan nuts.

The Association was formed in 1992 at a meeting of 75 growers. A draft constitution was accepted unaltered and National Council elected.

Our Association has grown steadily and a newsletter provides the necessary information to the members. We had 2 symposia on research and marketing and our Annual General Meetings are well attended. We have reached the 200 membership mark.

It was recognized by the National Council of Representatives that direct input from the growers are necessary to give new impetus to the Association. The FSW was held to facilitate this.


The Association believes that the interests of all the Pecan Industry stakeholders are interdependent of one another, and that satisfying the needs of these stakeholders is of fundamental importance to the success and prosperity of the Association and its members.

The Association believes that its role is to provide leadership and direction to the pecan industry and to act as its official mouthpiece.


The objectives of the Association are:

  • To be the Official Representative of the Pecan Industry and its Association and to promote the image of these two bodies.
  • To collect, collate, and distribute information concerning the production and marketing of pecans.
  • To determine, prioritise and co-ordinate the research initiatives for the pecan industry.
  • To make recommendations concerning the handling and grading specifications for pecan products.
  • To make provision for the necessary quality requirements and the application thereof, with the relevant state authorities.
  • To encourage the co-ordination of export and local marketing of pecans, and to make representation of pecan products with respect to importation to the authorities.
  • To co-ordinate generic promotion of pecans by such means as the Association deems fit, in order to accommodate future growth in the industry.

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